viernes, 31 de julio de 2009
Krautahammer on ObamaCare
jueves, 30 de julio de 2009
Organic food is now officially a ripoff
European anti Semite gets Presidential Medal of Freedom
When she was replaced as UNHRC, Richard Holbrooke (today one of Obama's most senior diplomats) commented, "I think Sergio is much better than Mary Robinson. I think she overly politicized the job."
But wait. There's more:
The trouble starts with Robinson's tenure as president of Ireland. During the last four years of Robinson's tenure, the European Union donated large sums of money to the Palestinian Authority. Ireland even held the presidency of the European Union for the second half of 1996. During this time, Arafat siphoned large amounts of European aid money away to pay for terror. Robinson can plead ignorance, but documents seized during the recent Israeli incursion into the West Bank revealed that the Palestinian Authority spent approximately $9 million of European Union aid money
The decider's foreign policy
Friends and Foes Treating the former worse than the latter is not smart policy.
Mackubin Thomas Owens, editor of Orbis, the quarterly journal of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, calls Obama’s “disturbing propensity to curry favor with our adversaries at the expense of our friends
miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009
The Role of the Mexican Military in the Cartel War
U.S. drug czar Gil Kerlikowske is in the middle of a four-day visit this week to Mexico, where he is meeting with Mexican government officials to discuss the two countries’ joint approach to Mexico’s ongoing cartel war. In prepared remarks at a July 27 press conference with Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora, Kerlikowske said Washington is focused on reducing drug use in the United States, supporting domestic law enforcement efforts against drug traffickers and working with other countries that serve as production areas or transshipment points for U.S.-bound drugs. However, the renewed debate, combined with recent changes in the Mexican legislature, have set the stage for a general re-examination of the Mexican military’s role in the cartel war. And while it is still unclear exactly where the re-examination will end up, the eventual outcome could drastically change the way the Mexican government fights the cartels. |
lunes, 27 de julio de 2009
Larry Summers unmasked?
In a speech last week, Larry Summers said:Without comprehensive healthcare reform, there is little prospect of convincing markets that the long-term growth in Federal debt is under control or of convincing businesses that the United States is the most competitive place for them to invest.
Is Obama the political fox?
By Charles M. Madigan
People really want to make a change of some kind, but they aren't sure quite how or what, and Obama remains a brilliant campaigner.
Obama is pulling on the levers of public opinion to create pressure to force Congress to make some difficult decisions. He is letting Congress do the very messy part, which includes all those predictions of failure. |
sábado, 18 de julio de 2009
Ultimatum watch: Mexican standoff?
El mandatario constitucional recordó que el fin de semana dio de plazo hasta este sábado a los golpistas para que se retiren del poder o de lo contrario hará valer su derecho a volver al país.
Ultimatum watch:
Me estoy preparando para regresar y hacerles sentir vergüenza a estos militares, precisó Zelaya en entrevista difundida por una radioemisora de Nicaragua, sin dar detalles dónde y en que momento llegará a Honduras.—Zelaya, Managua, Nicaragua, 17 de julio
Keeping in mind the following:
Horas más tarde, un portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Robert Wood, afirmó que Washington se opone a cualquier intento de Zelaya de volver a su país porque “no sería de gran ayuda“ a la mediación de Arias. El mandatario hondureñoWill Obama dare to cross Hugo Chávez? Did he learn nothing from reading The Open Veins of Latin America?está totalmente al corriente de nuestra posición sobre este tema, precisó.
jueves, 9 de julio de 2009
Al-Qaeda in Retreat
Obama’s Inheritance: Al-Qaeda in Retreat
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009
Why is this sort of common sense so polemical?
It is quite plainly designed by men for the subjugation of women. One cannot be absolutely sure that no woman has ever donned it voluntarily, but one can certainly say that, in countries where women can choose not to wear it, then not wearing it is the choice they generally make.
This disposes right away of the phony argument that religious attire is worn as a matter of "right." It is almost exactly the other way around: The imposition of burkas or even head scarfs on women - just like the compulsory growing of beards for men - is the symbol of a denial of rights and the inflicting of a tyrannical code that obliterates personal liberty.
It is depressing that our President, in addressing the Muslim world, takes the most reactionary religious practice as the symbol of rights and identity.[Moreover, freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice one's religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state of our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders. That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.]The klansman's hood, remember, is also the symbol of a white Protestant religious "identity" movement. We may be too constitutionally squeamish to ban the klan regalia outright, but we are entitled to our prejudice against those who choose to assert themselves in this way, and I would shudder for the country if this prejudice ever showed any sign of weakening.